Review of ‘Guerrilla Country’ by Phil Vernon

For me, one of the signs of an outstanding poetry collection is the quality of insights it provides into areas of experience alien to the reader. In Guerrilla Country by Phil Vernon (Flight of the Dragonfly Press, 2024), the poet takes us into historical and present conflicts in places as varied as Belfast, Rwanda, UkraineContinue reading “Review of ‘Guerrilla Country’ by Phil Vernon”

Drop-in by Phil Vernon

This week I’m so pleased to welcome back Phil Vernon to talk about his poem, The Command, from his latest collection, Guerrilla Country (Flight of the Dragonfly Press, 2024). Guerrilla Country, my new collection published by Flight of the Dragonfly Press, explores the interaction between peace, conflict and place, with reference to specific locations andContinue reading “Drop-in by Phil Vernon”

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