Review of ‘ways to say we’re not alone’ by Simon Alderwick

In my lifetime I must have read hundreds of collections of poetry. I don’t know whether you’re the same but every time I open the work of a poet new to me I’m hoping that I will discover a writer with something different to say in a fresh and original way, a writer to whomContinue reading “Review of ‘ways to say we’re not alone’ by Simon Alderwick”

Drop-in by Simon Alderwick

This week I’m delighted to invite Simon Alderwick to reflect upon a poem from his new collection ways to say we’re not alone. ways to say we’re not alone (Broken Sleep Books, 2024) as the title suggests,  is centred around the theme of estrangement — from people, from the environment, from ourselves, from society. ScavengerContinue reading “Drop-in by Simon Alderwick”

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